Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, January 28, 2013

Gratitude turns what we have into Enough

The sermon this week was on generosity and giving. Tithing. I love the way SE tackles this topic year after year. Tithe has little to do with money. It has to do with where your heart truly is. The majority of the sermon this week was about being content with what you have. This is a hard lesson in our culture today. It seems even the word contentment is a bad thing b.c it sounds like you are settling. God doesn't want us to settle for a mediocre life. He wants us to live the life that He gave us to the fullest. He gave us mountains to climb, rivers to swim in, snow to ski on, beaches to build castle on etc etc. He wants us to enjoy the gifts that He has given us and be grateful for them. Every little thing. If you are struggling with something whether it is a disease, or financial issues, marriage problems, etc the quickest cure is gratefulness. It will not take the struggles away but it will put them in perspective and make them manageable. Our culture strives for perfection and it is not realistic which is why there are so many people so incredible depressed and searching for the next thing or person to comfort them. It can be exhausting b.c they are just wasting so much time, money and energy jumping from one quick "fix" to the next.

If you followed our cancer blog Craig was ALWAYS thankful regardless. Although he struggled in the cancer journey he was ALWAYS so grateful for the things that he had. He was an amazing example of someone that could handle any situation with grace and strength b.c of his attitude of continuous gratitude. What an amazing legacy.

"For where your Treasure is there will your Heart be also." Matthew 6:21

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